Sunday, April 27, 2014

Honors, Advanced, and Beginning Students

If you are working on the collaborative piece, then you will continue to do so. The piece will be due Friday, so make sure that the work that is left is equally distributed. One person should be responsible for compositing all of the work. Then the group can work together to make the final adjustments.

If you have an independent piece upon which you are currently working, then you must finish it by Friday.

For those of you who have completed your work you will begin this project: MY IDEAL WORLD

Conceptual Basis for Lesson:
What is your idea of an ideal world? Is it a world without fear, without pain, without suffering? In a world with growing fear and pessimism, we are losing hope for future generations. It is time that the younger generation captures a more hopeful vision of what the world they are inheriting could be.

"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future." Franklin D. Roosevelt

Edward Hicks, an American folk artist, painted a humble collection of paintings that came from an
idea of the “Peaceable Kingdom” found in the book of Isaiah the prophet "the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid,". Hicks’s paintings consider a more optimistic outlook on what may be achieved. His images were symbolic of peace between two groups that were normally in confrontation with each other.

Edward Hicks, The Peaceable Kingdom (1826), National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

Piet Mondrian was another artist who considered Utopian ideals in a movement of art known as De Stijl. This group of artists sought to express a utopian ideal of harmony and order. The works by
Mondrian advocated pure abstraction and universality by a reduction to the essentials of form and color. Mondrian’s vision of the utopian ideal relied on becoming purely simple rather than chaotic.

Piet Mondrian, Composition with Yellow, Blue, and Red, 1937–42, oil on canvas, 72.5 × 69 cm, Tate Gallery. London

Things to Consider:
Words that may be used as a symbol for initial idea.(peace, harmony, order)
View and analyze works done by Edward Hicks.
What is out of the ordinary?
What animals are seen together that normally are enemies?
What may be another illustration of this type of unorthodox relationships?
What does this relationship symbolize?

Look up works done by Piet Mondrian. Though he did not create Utopias in his artwork, he did consider Utopian ideals. Mondrian focused on his Utopian ideal of harmony and order pushed his abstraction to achieve his famously simple works.

Taken from Digital Wish and modified by me:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Objectification of Women

If you have done or will do a vexel piece then you must read this linked article. We will discuss it in class.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Super Tut

Beginning kids, if you complete this tutorial and make a quality piece I will get rid of any zero and you will earn an A+ on the piece. If you have no zeroes then you will earn bonus points for doing this.